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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Heading Home

We left for Columbia straight from the game so I didn’t have access to the internet until now. Nonetheless, I thought I’d put in my two cents (even if it’s a little late). Since I’m a senior, this was the perfect game to see and remember as my last Mizzou football game to attend as a student. What a great season it has been! If someone told me that we would be ranked the #1 team in the nation at one point during the season and that I’d go to Dallas to watch us play in the Cotton Bowl I’d have laughed at him or her! It has been surreal and wonderful to witness this successful season and I can’t wait to watch us next year! The score of the game definitely made spending over 40 hours in the car worth it but I’m sure every Mizzou fan, whether you traveled to Dallas or watched the game from home, would agree: it was a great and memorable game.

Our trip will come to an end tomorrow once we get to Chicago. As of now (in Columbia) we have traveled over 1900 miles and still have at least 400 to go!


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