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Monday, December 31, 2007

Pre-Cotton Bowl Productions and Slideshow

It's been a great experience so far and being able to see so many Missouri fans and KOMU staffers down here in Dallas is really something special. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time at all of the Cotton Bowl activities and want to wish all of the Countdown to the Cotton Bowl blog readers a very happy New Year.

I hope you've enjoyed all of the posts by KOMU personalities and behind the scenes folks, they really do give an inside look into what it takes to put on such a huge production for everyone back in Missouri. There are dedicated KOMU people who are running on only a couple hours of sleep down here in Dallas, and more people back in Missouri making sure all of the content being beamed back is coming through in a clear and informative manner.

I won't be awake to ring in the new year but I will be up bright and early to try to bring some of the pre-game tailgate (it'll be the earliest tailgate I've ever been to with a 10:30 game start!) to you. I'll also be at the game bringing you more pictures and audio as events unfold. If you'll be away from the computer or TV screen during the game, or even if you won't be, you are welcome to 'follow' me on Twitter at it's a free service that will text-message your cellphone when someone you 'follow' updates. You can also view the feed on the Internet at that address. Tomorrow morning I'll be updating my Twitter account with score and play information whenever possible.

If you have comments or questions for us don't hesitate to post them in the comments section on any of the posts on the blog.

Here's a little slideshow of the photos I've taken so far in Dallas, TX for the Cotton Bowl.


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